WRITING TASK - Module 3 / Collaborative Project


v  A) Name:

Water is Life 

v  B) Purpose:  

The objective of our campaign is to make people create awareness of the importance of water, in order to make them aware of bad practices and promote do not do these practices.

v  C) Public:

Our campaign is aimed at the entire public

D) Colours:   

v  E) Slogan:

 Water is NOT inexhaustible, if we waste it today, it will be too late tomorrow.

v  F) Facts:    

Water is necessary for the life of man, animals and plants. An important part on planet earth, so we must learn not to waste it.

A problem today is the lack of access and water contamination. The main water pollutants include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, nitrates, phosphates, plastics, fecal waste, and radioactive substances.

On this problem, the ONG InpirAction says: "More than 1,000 million people will suffer in the future the shortage of water due to pollution, overpopulation and climate change".

According to the 2016 United Nations report on the development of the world's water resources; almost 80% of the jobs that make up the global workforce depend on access to an adequate supply of water and water-related services.

In Mexico, the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA), between 2015 and 2019 found 1,900 reports of fecal waste in water in 598 municipalities of 28 entities, as well as around 1,000 records of fluoride contamination in 227 municipalities of 24 states, a substance that can cause dental fluorosis, skeletal stiffness, neurological and kidney problems. However, do we know if our water is healthy and acceptable?

The World Health Organization established a series of minimum indicators and parameters that allow assessing the quality of water and whether it can be used for human consumption.

v  G) Activities:


ü  Place aerators or flow reducers in the taps. This will make them spend less when we have to use them.


ü  Reuse rainwater. For example, for bathing, cleaning, or watering plants, you save large amounts of water.


ü  On hot days, use the water from the air conditioning to clean floors or water.



ü  Using less water at home, even if it doesn't seem like it, reducing water consumption is one of the keys to minimizing water pollution because it reduces the amount of water that flows into the wastewater treatment systems.


ü  The most basic thing, lifting the garbage from rivers, seas, lakes, etc. Always collect our waste.



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